The Vibease Smart Vibrator might just be the sex toy with the most gimmicky feature this year however we still think it is a lot of fun and a great concept. The short of it, this smart vibrator can sync with your music or audiobooks.
The aesthetic is nice with a smooth and concenient shape to fit in your underwear and a small discreet size. The small pleasure device then connects to your smartphone to sync with the Vibease app which also includes chat to allow you or your partner control over the toy from the touchscreen of the phone using an x/y interface for controlling speed and strength or sync it to the audio so it vibrates in sync with your music or audiobook. The device even features some audio files such as bird chirping, beach play features calming ocean sounds and you can of course add your own music and audio.
Many people might think syncing with an audiobook is pointless as it will vibrate with the beat and with an audiobook this may not be of much use however Vibease connects you with a library of both free and premium audiobooks that have also been programmed to increase and decreate the tempo and strength of the sex toy to sync with the pivotal and most arousing moments within the content which we think is simply genius!
Have you tried the Vibrease? If so please leave your feedback in the comments below.
Here are a couple of videos to better explain the Vibease sex toy and the content they are also providing.